The Executive Officer for Campaigns & Communications
The current Executive Officer for Campaigns & Communications is Cllr Pete Roberts

About Pete
- Executive Officer for Campaigns & Communications
- Member of the Board
- Member of the Campaigns & Communications Committee (Chair)
Local Party:
- Brecon and Radnorshire
The responsibilities of the Executive Officer for Campaigns & Communications are to:
- Chair the meetings of, and ensure the proper functioning of, the Campaigns and Communications Committee;
- Carry ultimate responsibility for fulfilling the duties of that committee;
- Report on their activities, and those of the committee they chair, in a timely manner, to Board members after each committee meeting, and the Conference on an annual basis;
- Ensure members of the committee they chair, and any working groups established by that committee, are kept informed of any relevant decisions made by the Board or other Committees;
- Contribute fully to the setting of party strategy at Board level, particularly with regard to their own specific duties;
- Ensure the needs of diverse communities are considered and acted upon in all their work;
- Work with the President, other Executive Officers, Board members, elected representatives and party members in the best interests of the Party;
- Act as a budget holder for the activities of their committee, and ensure compliance with any financial procedures put in place by the Finance and Resources Committee;
- Discharge such other functions as the Conference or the Constitution shall allocate to them.
Further details can be found in the Party's constitution.