Spring Conference 2024
Conference Review
Our 2024 Welsh Spring Conference was an excellent weekend full of debate and discussions which was attended by over 150 party members and representatives from campaigning organisations.
It took place at the Novotel Cardiff Centre over the weekend of 2nd & 3rd March 2024.
Below you will find information on the motions which were past as well as other activities that took place over the weekend.

Leader's Speech
Jane Dodds MS
On the Saturday afternoon, party leader Jane Dodds MS used her keynote speech to attack the Labour party under Keir Starmer for their “empty rhetoric” and for “dancing to the tune set by the Conservatives”. Whilst also describing the current UK Conservative government as “one of the most unpopular governments in living memory”.
In her speech Jane also criticised the Welsh Government for their mishandling of the NHS and their indifference towards the agricultural sector in Wales.
Discussion in partnership with Electoral Reform Society Cymru
How can Welsh Liberal Democrats advance the case for STV for our local elections?
With just over 8 months until the deadline for local authorities in Wales to change their electoral system, only two have taken the next step to consult with the public, one being Welsh Liberal Democrat led Powys.
Electoral Reform Society Cymru hosted this debate to discuss what the party needs to do to make sure that all local elections are conducted using the fairer Single Transferable Vote.
On the Panel was Powys Councillor Glyn Preston who commented "I really enjoyed getting to speak to conference about our experience in Powys about delivering a consultation on the STV voting system. Our panel discussion touched on various different themes, but we were all united in our message – that we need proportional representation at Council level, so that every vote counts the same no matter where you live."
Welsh Local Government Association - The Voice of Welsh Councils
We are the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA); a politically led cross-party organisation that seeks to give local government a strong voice at a national level. We represent the interests of local government and promote local democracy in Wales.
The 22 councils in Wales are our members and the three fire and rescue authorities and three national park authorities are associate members.
Carers Wales
Carers Wales’s mission is to make life better for the over 300,000 unpaid carers in Wales. We provide information and advice on caring, help carers connect with each other, campaign with carers for lasting change and use innovation to improve services.
Bute Energy
At Bute Energy, we are making the Welsh weather work for Wales, developing onshore wind projects that will support the Welsh Government’s target for electricity to be 100% renewable by 2035.
Our ambition is to power Wales with clean, green energy, and empower our communities through investment, jobs and skills.
We have a vision of a healthier, wealthier Wales that uses energy generation as a positive power for the world.
For Wales, for local communities – for this and future generations.
ALDC is a membership organisation providing advice, resources and training for Liberal Democrat councillors, active campaigners and anyone who wants to see more Lib Dems elected in local government.
Membership is super useful for any role you may have in campaigns, on the council or in your local party structure.