“Police are failing stalking victims”- Welsh Lib Dem PCC for North Wales Police

The Welsh Liberal Democrat PCC candidate for North Wales Police Richard Marbrow has today criticised the forces apparent failure in helping victims of stalking.
A Freedom of Information request (FOI) has revealed that only two Stalking Protection Orders were issued by North Wales Police in 2023, despite over 1,900 complaints of stalking being recorded.
A Stalking Protection Order or SPO, allows the police to get involved in the early stages of a stalking case before it becomes more serious.
Commenting, the Welsh Liberal Democrat PCC candidate Richard Marbrow said:
“These figures are truly disturbing, and they show just how serious of a problem stalking is.
They also show how North Wales Police are currently failing stalking victims due to a lack of understanding at just how much damage this horrific crime can cause.
Stalking can affect its victims both in a physical sense as well as mentally, which is why this apparent laisse faire approach from the police is just unacceptable.
No one should be forced to worry about their safety at every waking moment, which is why as PCC for this region I will ensure that tackling this damaging crime is a top priority.”