Welsh Government told - don’t let councils face social care crisis on their own

The Welsh Government have been urged to support local councils who are struggling to fund social care services.
Speaking in the Senedd this week, Mid and West Wales MS Jane Dodds MS asked the First Minister Eluned Morgan to commit towards helping councils struggling to meet their social care budgets.
Back in December, Powys County Council revealed that they may have to raise council tax by 13.5% next year to help cope with shortfalls in their budget.
According to the Welsh Local Government Association, Wales social services are set to face funding gaps of up to £646m.
The lack of social care funding has had a knock-on effect on waiting times, with a report from the Welsh NHS Confederation revealing that around 1,600 patients are being kept in hospital at any given moment due to a lack of available social care.
Commenting on the need for the Welsh Government to help councils struggling to fund their social care services, Mid and West Wales MS Jane Dodds said that it was time for Welsh Labour to “recognise that there is a health and social care crisis in Wales”.
“One of the clear reasons behind the Welsh Government’s disappointing track record on healthcare is a lack of investment and a lack of vision around social care.
Thousands of people across Powys, who are in desperate need of adequate social care, are instead being kept from returning home to their loved ones.
We cannot expect our councils to face the current social care crisis on their own, the Welsh Government has to stop neglecting their duties to the people of Wales and start supporting our social care services.”