The Conference Committee

Jon Burree

Jon Burree

Chair of Conference Committee


Nick Ramsay

Representative from the Finance & Resources Committee

Cllr Pete Roberts

Cllr Pete Roberts

Representative from Campaigns & Communications Committee

Cllr Alistair Cameron

Cllr Alistair Cameron

Secretary and Ordinary Member

Josh Rutty

Josh Rutty

Representative of Welsh Young Liberals

Claire Waller

Claire Waller

Ordinary Member

Matthew Palmer

Matthew Palmer

Welsh Representative to the Federal Conference Committee

The Conference Committee is accountable to the Finance & Resources Committee.

The currently vacant positions on the Committee are:

Name Role
VACANT Ordinary Member
VACANT Representative of the Policy Development Committee

Where further information is available, you can find out more about each member of the committee by clicking on their name.

Contact the Conference Committee:


The responsibilities of the Committee are:

  1. Organising the event of Conference;
  2. The selection of motions and other items of the agenda of Conference, seeking advice from relevant committees; and
  3. The recruitment and training of Chairs and Aides.

Further details can be found in the Party's constitution.